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Challanger platform has won the bronze award for the best innovation in the Coastal-Karst Region

On Friday, June 10, we were invited to the Award Ceremony for the Best Innovators of the Primorska Commerce Chamber for 2022. Dr. Aleš Lipnik, President of the PGZ Innovation Commission, and Robert Rakar, Director of the Primorska Commerce Chamber, awarded us with the bronze award for "The Best Innovation of the Coastal-Karst area 2022."

Vesna Nahtigal, Executive Director of the Slovenian Commerce Chamber, and Marija Čebular Zajec from MGRT informed us about their activities which encourage and support entrepreneurs’ innovations. They are essential for the growth of our society and significantly contribute to the recognition of Slovenian abroad entrepreneurship.

At this opportunity, we would like to express gratitude to all our customers who cooperate with us in developing and improving the Challanger platform.

Only with user experience and their valuable feedback can we follow our vision to simplify the organization and management of sports events and increase their visibility, also on a global level.

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