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Ready for some hot matches on cold days? This year, we’re offering a diverse selection of leagues where you'll have the opportunity to hone your tennis skills, compete against other enthusiasts, and enjoy the competitive spirit. We have a variety of leagues suited for individuals and doubles, men and women, as well as players of all ages. We guarantee excellent organization, a pleasant atmosphere, and the opportunity for new sports friendships.


Below, you'll find a list of available leagues, along with all the information about schedules and registration. Choose the league that suits you best (or more than one) and sign up today!

Dates of matches:

The matches will take place on Saturdays, between 11:00 and 21:00. The dates of individual matches are as follows:

  • 1st match at 11:00
  • 2nd match at 12:45
  • 3rd match at 14:30
  • 4th match at 16:15
  • 5th match at 18:00
  • 6th match at 19:45

The start of the league is scheduled for 11/11/2024, and the matches will take place every two weeks. The number of rounds depends on the number of registered teams. In case of a larger number of applicants, the competition can be divided into groups A and B.

Terms of play:

The first signed team is considered the home team and is obliged to provide the official PRINCE balls received from the organizer (the cost of the balls is already included in the registration fee). She is also responsible for completing and entering the match result into the application.

Postponement of matches is not possible due to limited dates in the hall. In case the match is not played, the result is registered as 2:0 w.o. The players can agree and play the match within 14 days, after which the result can be corrected in the application.

The league runs on a league system, which means that every player plays against everyone. The organizer reserves the right to change the competition system depending on the number of applications.

The organizer will send a web link to the competition in time, where you can enter the results of the matches, monitor the results of others and the standings.

Doubles categories:

  1. First couple: total age +80 years

  2. Second pair: total age +95 years

  3. Third pair: total age +110 years

The minimum age limit for a competitor is 35 years. A player under the age of 50 cannot play in the third doubles.

Application fee:

Applications are accepted no later than October 20, 2024. When registering for the competition, it is necessary to pay an entry fee of €130 (VAT is already included in the price), which is considered an official team registration. If the entry fee is not settled by the specified deadline, the team will not be included in the draw.

The entire registration fee must be paid one week before the start of the league. The price of the registration fee will be determined later, depending on the number of registered teams. You will receive an invoice for the registration fee no later than a week before the start of the competition, when all cost parameters have been calculated.

In case of questions or ambiguities, please contact the organizer of the competition, Franci Hrovat: +386 41 766 271.

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